Whole set from a show at the Oldbar a couple weeks ago we played with Truth From Facts, Black Level Embassy and the Dacios. Alain from TFF recorded this (see link in previous post for their recordings, they're fucking mindblowing, seriously) for us. I'm at work and haven't had a chance to listen but I'm assuming it's pretty rad. Done with a HDR recorder chucked up on top of a PA speaker. May be subject to the weird pizzeria acoustics of Old Bar. Will definitely be subject to my voice breaking and awkward breaks between songs as we have to retune.
I Never Really Liked Metallica Anyway, But Seriously, Fuck You Lars
Power Dresser
Dopelord (with the Atomic Bong)
Crust Bird's Mystic Saga
Dude Mountin is Rad Dude (gigantic caveman floor tom) and Beard Mountain (amplifiers).